Thursday 7 June 2018

Oak Heights school in Hounslow producing outstanding grades in GCSE and IGCSE's

Oak Heights school in Hounslow producing outstanding grades in GCSE and IGCSE's

Oak Heights Independent school in Hounslow in west London prioritises its student and recognises that they are at a stage where they are most absorbent to information. We take advantage of this and use it to benefit the students themselves. We utilise our experienced and dedicated team of professionals built up of teachers and support staff to create a personal tailor-made education that is suited towards the need and requirements of the student. We expect our students to excel in their chosen career path and by giving them a solid base of healthy education and confidence we believe they have the means to survive the ever-changing and competitive job market.

Oak Heights school in Hounslow is currently producing excellent GCSE and IGCSE results. Many of our students after GCSE's go to grammar school or oustanding sixth forms.

Many of our ex-students have gone on to study at some of the country’s top universities such as Cambridge and Oxford and we are still made aware of their appreciation of the education that we provided through testimonials to this day.
Oak Heights Independent School in Hounslow believes in a that to have a successfully relationship with education the students should have a calm nurturing environment where they are comfortable and safe. We engage our students and encourage them to take interest in current affairs and form opinions and discuss these amongst their peers to help them broaden their knowledge. A strong sense of community is also encouraged and by taking part in charity events we impart important values to build well rounded individuals.
A strong and rigid sense of discipline is also imparted, and we expect every child to achieve all expectations set and to go above and beyond. Homework is given out and marked regularly to ensure that students continue to keep learning even after the school day is finished. They are also tested regularly to keep track of progress and to ensure that they are being challenged according to their abilities. We place emphasis on the STEM subjects and expect all our students to excel across the board. Class sizes are smaller and can range from 2-12 people at any one time as smaller classes allow for less disruption and more one-to-one attention from the teacher. This type of specialised learning makes the student feel more valued and also more confident to lean.
We also provide many activities to allow the students to have some down time as here at Oak Heights Independent School in Hounslow west London, we take pride in providing our students the opportunities to participate in fun and exciting activities such as tae-kwon-do and swimming, all of which are provided as part of the curriculum at no extra cost as we believe students needs to get the most out of their sports period and so we give them fun and exciting opportunities so that they can remain engaged even if they are not particularly fond of sports in general. 

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