Thursday, 21 May 2015

Week beginning 16th April 2015

Welcome back from the Easter holidays. We hope you had a lovely holiday and a break from work. Oak Heights are now in the final term of the year where all students are strictly focused on exams and revision. All other years will be focused on studying for their end of term exams while the year 11 students will fully focus on making sure they do enough revision for their GCSE exams. The years 11's were in school also throughout the holidays as they had revision workshops taking place. During the workshops the students got practise on exams based on techniques to answer specific questions and how to attain the most marks.
As a breather, we have our PGL trip on the weekend where we will go away to one of the centres where the students will be carrying out many activities together. We will be going to the Marchants Hill in Surrey. This will be the first trip away with the New Year 7's and the last trip the year 11's will be coming with us. We leave at 2pm on Friday and will return on the Sunday evening. This experience will be amazing for the students as they are away from their parents which mean they will be independent in everything they do.
We are also happy to inform you that our Tuition Centre will be up and running for admissions in September. We will be offering Mathematics, English, Science, Punjabi and also Arabic. We will be specialising in Maths and English exam preparation as many children often know and have studied well but do not prepare enough for their exams. The sessions will be held after school from Key stage 2-5. The students are also given material which they can use to practise and get a feel of what the actual exam will be like. All students will recieve numerous past papers which they can use as practise.
Offering Punjabi and Arabic will be interesting for both the students and the tuition centre as these courses have not been offered before in the past and will be a new experience both ways. We believe around the area there are not many places for elders and younger people to go and study these languages at their own speed. Not only do we just concentrate on the language, we also focus on teaching the history of the language and where it is originated from. This will help give the students a more insight into what they are learning. Having students joining our tuition centre will also mean that they may also be interested in Oak Heights School to study on a full time basis. We hope you show your interest within our centre and help us exceed!
For more information log on to

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