Thursday, 23 April 2015


Oak Heights are now approaching their end of term exams which will start on Wednesday. All end of term exams are very important for each student as it is a test which covers all the topics learnt from the beginning of the term. It is important for the students to show that they understand all the topics to a high level. Students are expected to pass at a high rate in order for them to move and stay on top of their class when the next term starts. Students who do not perform as well in class are then referred to after school workshops which are available for students who need extra help to gain the extra push they need in order to achieve higher results. For all students who attend Oak Heights School, tuition after school is free of charge which means they are able to enhance their knowledge and work on where they are not doing as well out of class time.
All practical exams which our year 11 students where carrying out are now all completed and the written papers have begun. This is the final stage for our students are their final GCSE exams are only a few weeks away. Oak Heights School gives full confidence and support to all the students who need the extra help to achieve their grades. Teachers help students during lessons and also after school. We now have revision week for all the students which means all years are studying for their exams especially the older years as this will affect their final GCSE papers.
Oak Heights Tuition Centre is also soon to offer Punjabi and Arabic at GCSE level. These tuition lessons will be held after school where anyone who wishes to learn Arabic or Punjabi at GCSE level is able to come in and sign up to be taught. If you're interested to sign up for either course, please contact the school or email us at Depending on how popular the courses are and how high the demand is we also might consider offering Urdu in the near future.
We have a week of school left until we break up for Easter Holidays! Oak Heights School will be off for 2 weeks as it is the end of the term and also for Easter. On our first week back we will be going to PGL as our annual school trip as a school. Children will be away for the weekend where they will be carrying out many individual activities as well as carrying out other activities showing how well they are able to work within a team. As our older students have already been, we always aim to go to different PGL centres each year in order to make it interesting for all of the students. However, this is a first time experience for the year 7's as this will be their first trip away for the weekend with Oak Heights School.
We thank you for your continuous support and for your interest within Oak Heights School. For more information log on to

Monday, 13 April 2015

Oak Heights school in Term 2

Its that time again ! Students from Oak Heights school in Hounslow are now in the final stages of their controlled assessments. When finished, students will then be able to concentrate on their GCSE examinations which start from May 12th 2015. Students from Oak Heights school in Hounslow have already been given their revision task sheets along with their timetables. Good luck year 11's s!

Our second Parents Day for this academic year took place in February 2015. This gave teachers and parents a chance to discuss the progress of their child and for some it will also be a chance to meet for the first time if they have only just joined Oak Heights this academic year! Sixth Form and college placements were also discussed with parents

As part of our Term 2 is near the end we have organised a mufti day on Red nose day which is to be held on friday 13th.

We will also be holding a cake baking competition The competition is open for all the students in the school. Being creative allows the child to expand their thinking and creativity skills. The judgement criteria will be based on things such as taste, texture, appearance and creativity. Students will then go on to develop their entrepreneurial skills by selling on any remaining cupcakes to the school. All proceedings will go to a trust.

Oak Heights tuition has also been a success in its first year. The tuition centre offers external candidates the opportunity to learn English, Maths, Science and also Languages. The centre is offering Punjabi, Urdu and Arabic lessons from the age of year 6. Students will have the opportunity to sit GCSE's examinations at our centre when they are in year 11 as an external candidate.

For more information log on to